Friday, December 29, 2006

New Year

We look forward to another new year,
And pray that the good Lord will bless,
The coming days on their way,
With love, and joy, and success.

Each new day is a mystery,
Until it's light unfolds...
And our hearts seek contentment,
In what tomorrow holds.

The old year was a busy one,
Life seldom does stand still...
We walk through shaded valleys,
And trudge up the rocky hills.

But God is there in all His glory,
Waiting for us to reach for His hand,
And when we trust in His pure love,
Life's road leads to the Holy land.

Ring out the bells of welcome,
Bring in this brand new year...
I pray for health and happiness,
And deliverance from all fear.

Each New Year holds a promise,
For some unknown events...
Hold true to God's great purpose,
And we'll always be content.

Friday, December 22, 2006

Peter Pan's gift to children continues with a sequeal

For well over a century, a Christmas staple for children across Britain has been an annual trip to theater to enter a magical yuletide world of villainous pirates, diaphanous fairies, and dashing heroes. But few have realized that a simple seasonal excursion to see one of Britain's best-lved Christmas plays, J.M Barrie's "Peter Pan", has almost 80 years benefited thousand upon thousands of sick children.

Now a sequel, Peter Pan in Scarlet" is set to continue in good work.

Peter Pan , lovable, mischievous boy who never ages and fliers with the help of fairy dust, is known to generations of children around the world in a number of guises: Some Prefer Disney's cute 1953 animated version: others, Robin William's disenchanted grown-up Peter in "Hook".
Most favor the darker original tale, in which Peter rebels against adult world as petulant and stubborn as Pan himself. Many also know the story behind Peter Pan's creation through Johnny Depp's 2004 performance as its diminutive, retiring author, James Matthew Barrie, in the movie "Finding Neverland.

But there's another side to the story of Peter Pan, one that, like its acclaimed author has remained largely hidden from the public view.

Though nowadays almost solely known for "Peter Pan", J.M. Barrie was, in the early 20th century, a major playwright more renowned than such illustrious contemporaries as George Bernard Shaw and Oscar Wilde. He also had a profound love for children, and on befriending a family of five young brothers, created Peter Pan as a story to entertain them.

The character soon evolved into a play, first performed to rave reviews in London on Christmas 1904. In the United States, too, it quickly achieved stellar popularity. After an initial run in New York just before Christmas 1905, it embark on a nationwide tour so highly acclaimed that Mark Twain remarked, "the next best play is a long way behind it. In 1911, Barrie transformed the play into a book, the first editions of which flew off the shelves.

"Then, in 1926", relates Christine De Poortere, director of the Peter Pan project at the Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children in London, "Barrie was asked by the Great Ormond Street Hospital to give a series of public lectures to help raise funds.

The Hospital, founded in 1852, survive on private fund raising, mostly carried out by middle class ladies and was the only children's hospital of its day.

"Ah want to know more? we will continue next page later. "

Thursday, December 21, 2006

Second Mortgage

An individual’s home is the biggest asset that one has at his disposal. A home to back you up when you need a loan is one of the greatest advantages of home ownership. In recent years, there has been a major boom in the amount of people looking to use their homes as a way to get access to extra money when they need it most. One of the best ways to do this is through a second mortgage.

Second mortgage loans are loans that are made in addition to the first mortgage, and it is usually based on the amount of equity that the borrower uses to build into his home. Usually it’s required to fund home renovations. Since the borrower has already been through the process once, the underwriting that is required to get a second mortgage is much simpler than it was the first time around when the borrower had taken the first loan. The cost of the transactions involved will be lower when the borrower applies for the loan second time.

This usually happens for the fact that interest rates on the second mortgage are a bit higher than they were on the first one. But then, there are some positive points too. For example, the fact that the interest paid on the loan may be tax deductible. In most cases the interest is 100% fully deductible as long as the combined loan to value of the 1st and 2nd mortgage does not exceed the value of the home. On a second mortgage, one borrows a fixed sum of money against the home equity, and pays it back after a specific time. The amount borrowed will be combined with the amount the borrower still owes on his first mortgage.

But there are a few things that one should keep in mind. First of all, one should not take a second mortgage on his home unless one has made payments on the original mortgage balance for a good amount of time. One may be able to get a second mortgage if one does not have much equity, but then the loan rates will be much higher, and the amount that one can borrow much lower. It will essentially be a waste of time and money. A second mortgage is a loan that is secured by the equity in ones home. While obtaining a second mortgage loan the lender places a lien on the borrowers’ house. This lien will be recorded in 2nd position after the primary or 1st mortgage lender's lien, hence the term second mortgage.

Second mortgages aren't for everyone. Borrowing more than 80% of the home's value will subject the borrower to private mortgage insurance. The monthly payments should also be a factor. If one refinances in the future, he will have to pay off the 2nd mortgage.Loan proceeds from a second mortgage loan can be used for just about anything. Many consumers take out 2nd mortgage loans to consolidate debt, do home improvements or pay for their children’s college education. Whatever one decides to do with the loan proceeds it is important to remember that if one defaults on then payment then he can lose his home. So one would want to make sure that he is taking the loan out for a worthwhile purposeThus we see that a second home loan can be of great help to the borrowers, although the borrower must take steps to ensure that he does not squander away the advantages of second mortgage.

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

Unsecured Debt Consolidation Loans

Bankruptcy is an ugly word, but a very real possibility to many people struggling to pay a laundry list of bills that never seem to end. At times, that pile of bills seems impossible to deal with, a mountain you’ll never get out from under without taking drastic measures. But bankruptcy isn’t the only alternative to a life chained to the never-ending cycle of bills, late fees and more bills.

Think about consolidating your debt in a single loan, a form of refinancing that helps you put your finances back in your control and your life back in order. But refinancing is for people who own a home, right? What if you don’t have a home, or you don’t want to risk losing it by putting it up for collateral? That’s where an unsecured debt consolidation loan comes into play.
Unsecured debt consolidation loans do not require collateral. You can pay off all your other creditors and keep your house – or lack thereof – out of it. Lenders are able to stay in business by covering their risk with higher interest rates than they offer on secured loans.

But this can still translate into lower monthly payments for you, especially if your credit cards carry high interest rates to begin with and you’ve fallen into the trap of paying late and accruing late payment fees. Those disappear when you pay off that debt with the moneys from your are competitive and you may be able to negotiate a better interest rate. It helps to have a good unsecured debt consolidation loan. And don’t forget, shopping around always pays off; lenders credit score since lenders do look at your credit and employment history when they consider you for a loan.

If you shop around, negotiate, and still find that the interest rate is not going to make enough of a difference in your monthly payment to make life comfortable again, consider choosing a long-term loan. While you will generally end up paying out a greater total amount by the end of the loan, lengthening the life of your unsecured debt consolidation loan will lower your average monthly payment. That right there could make all the difference in the world.

Unpaid or slow-paid bills wreaking havoc on your credit score? Some lenders will consider you despite your credit history. A good employment history proves stability, and even if you don’t have the best employment history there are, again, lenders who will offer unsecured debt consolidation loans to almost anyone. While the interest rates are higher and the limits to what they’ll loan are lower, your credit score will improve when you get the loan, and having all those creditors paid off will do nothing but increase your credit score.

If you bills are getting the best of you to the point that you’re actually considering bankruptcy, stop. Gather up those credit card bills, utility bills, department store card bills, medical bills and any other bill that’s costing you sleep at night. Look into an unsecured debt consolidation loan and see how easy it can be to save your credit and peace of mind.

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Extra Income

Extra Income --- Very Welcome

Gone are the days of mid 50’s and 60’s when a family could survive upon a single income. Today the inflation and economic factors are such that survival on two incomes has become hand to mouth. Going by this trend we can very well imagine what the future holds for us. Two incomes certainly will not be enough. It’s best to prepare for the worst and expect the best instead of vice versa. Its best then to have multiple incomes flows into your finances than to have an insecure future. The concept and importance of extra income becomes all the more apparent.

People who have been well-to-do have always known and taken care of this. If one income dries up, one can always fall back upon the other streams of income, and if all go well you can only get richer, no harm in that. Ordinary and average living people have always been in a dilemma regarding this. Loss of one income really affects them adversely and it would take years of hard work before any normalcy returns. Not to mention, the rippling effects of financial distress that could cause a lot of heartburn and unwanted emotional disturbances.

Having diverse sources of income or extra income gives you a backup to fall back upon. If one source vanishes, you should not feel the difference. One should have enough time to reorganize and regroup, that’s it, and you are back on the happiness highway, safe and sound. The importance of extra income and extra sources of incomes is not lost on anyone today, therefore the want and rush.

Extra Income can be of two kinds – Linear and Residual.

Linear income is the extra income you earn on an hourly, daily, weekly or monthly basis. There is no more future commitment attached to it from your end or form the receiver’s end.

Residual income is an extra income where you work hard once and reap the fruits of it all for many years in the future. The reward for the same effort paid over and over again.

In normal course of a career, any individual earns a linear income through a job or a profession. You are earning only for the time you can spare on work on a daily basis. Some earn a higher linear income. Most smart people try to shift to residual incomes from their linear incomes through extra income routes to have a secure retirement and future. Starting with one residual extra income effort a year would be a good idea.

Internet gives a lot of options in the extra income route. One has to be careful in selecting the right one from them by recognizing the hype form the straight talking ones.

Almost all these programmes have residual income components in them. Select one and give it everything you can, when you can earn the residual from it, time to start off with the next one. All the best.

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