Friday, March 30, 2007

Success – Array a Simple Way to Achieve it Now

Even the word itself, ‘success’ carries both strong emotions and the shroud of mystery. What is success anyway, and how can one achieve it.

For most people in the world, success has become to mean a level of financial security, along with notoriety and the conviction that one’s tomorrow will be as secure or more than one’s yesterday.

This concept of success is shallow however, as just earning money and being somehow famous does not qualify anyone as a success.

Success is rather, a level of self-confidence that whatever a person does will be achieved in a proficient, honest, and skillful manner.

Should money and / or fame come with it, so much the better.

Down on Your Luck

Many people feel success eludes them as they are down on their luck. Nothing is father from the truth.

Luck is nothing more that your state of preparation meeting opportunity.

If you are not ready when an opportunity comes, you cannot seize it, and it passes you by. Most people blame it on bad luck. Its not so.

If you are in some sort of down cycle, you must examine yourself. Ask yourself ‘why’ , and try and see what opportunities passed you by. Were you ready for them?

Turning the Situation Around

If you desire real success, you must be committed to the idea.

Do not look at other people who seemingly have success as a constant companion.

Their stories may reveal (and often do) down periods, bad luck scenarios, and downright failure episodes.

Rather, look to yourself only, determine with the simple steps below what you need to be doing to turn your situation around.

Simple Steps to Reverse a Negative Trend in Your Life

If you have had enough of failure, and wish to turn a negative trend in your life to a positive one, you must first establish the foundation for the positive to have a hold on your life. Follow these easy steps:

1. Banish all negative thoughts from your mind. Replace them with their opposite or positive ones. Let this be a mental exercise if nothing else, but do not harbor any negative thoughts

2. Do some small positive action, without being prompted to. Share even a small bit of your limited resources with someone else who is unfortunate.

3. Create, if you must, a situation where you can achieve even the smallest of victories. Reward yourself thereafter, and then,

4. Move from one easy victory to another, but each with a greater challenge.

Simple Victories To Triumphs

This technique, used throughout the ages by many successful people always works. By beginning with easy and achievable victories, you create also in your mind a positive attitude and a trend begins.

This trend acts as support for your willingness to attempt greater victories and challenges. Chances are you will begin to feel different about yourself in no time.

This one fact alone opens the door for success to come in to you.

Remember, you must follow the 4 steps above without deviation.

Give them a sincere try, and you will see both your “luck” returning and success beckoning to you join in. Your natural state is positive, is successful and is lucky.

You only have to start remembering it.

Source: Submit Articles at

About the Author: Sacha Tarkovsky . MORE FREE INFO AUDIO AND PDF GUIDES On all aspects of self improvement and success visit our website for a huge resource of articles, features and downloads and at

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Generation of Will Power

Now, let us focus our discussion on how do we cultivate the will power within us? There are totally eight steps that need to be followed in order to generate the will power in human beings. They are discussed as follows:
a.First we need to understand what exactly will power is in working terms. It is the positive and creative function of the mind which impels, propels and enables us to do chosen actions in a definite way, and avoid doing unchosen actions equally in a definite way. It is that power of the mind which enables us to do, what we know is right and not to do such things, which we believe to be wrong, under all types of circumstances, be it favorable or unfavorable and known or unknown.

b.Secondly, it is very important for us, both to know and as well believe that will power is something which can be increased by everybody, without any exception, provided we are ready to apply ourselves to it and work for it steadily, sincerely and most importantly, methodically. Failures occur in each of our lives. But it does not necessarily mean that past failures will be reflected in present and result in same failures in future! No one is destined to be weak, except one who personally chooses to be so! A step taken ahead towards a better, nobler and higher state of existence is possible at any point of time in an individual's life. It is never too late or too early to stand up straight in support of the right things in life and try to be a good, true, pure and strong. Because, it is always said: "Better late than Never!"
c.Only when we have a firm hold on this truth, we can develop a will within us, to develop the will power. Though it may sound a bit ironic, but is seriously important to possess a firm will in order to be successful in developing our will power. Incredible, although it may appear, but it is the fact that many of us do not even has the will to develop the will power! To most of us, it seems to be a sort of botheration and too accurate a responsibility to be carried out all the time. But when, as a result of correct guidance, we come to know that we have within us unlimited power, then we develop our mind to manifest that power in our life.
d.Once this mind is developed, very soon we leap forward and take the most important decision of developing the will power within us. This step helps in removing the dichotomy between our head and heart, the intellect and emotions and the thinking and feeling. It can be done by loving the truth of our being. And by doing so, our thoughts and our emotions will unite in order to do the best expected of us by ourselves.
e.Two things will oppose the creative move within us: 1. our regrets about the past and, 2. our worries about the future. Both of these are detrimental to the cultivation of will power, because they successfully undercut all forward looking, creative and positive movements within our minds. Exaggerated regrets about our past and too much worry about out future, will only damage our present, and weaken our minds and injure our future also.

f.In order to live in the living present wisely, we require the guidance of a sound sense of values. We should be able to persuade ourselves that we are not just fooling around. Cultivation of one's power of conviction, at least is very important for the development of will power.
g.Our sense of values needs to be zealously guarded, for we are being constantly assailed by chaotic winds of various contrary ideas. Sense of values can be guarded by three things:
1. by constant discrimination between the real and the unreal.

2. By keeping ourselves busy and,

3. By avoiding idle curiosity about things which do not generally concern us.

h.Lastly, to develop our will power, we must never take our failures very seriously. We must not lose heart in the face of repeated failures. Because, we all know - 'Failure is the pillar of Success.' Failures should be accepted as a part of the game and only then we can pave our way to success. These steps when rightly followed helps in developing the will power.

Source: Submit Articles at
About the Author:Abhishek Lodha had the will of doing something with astrology and the occults.

Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Motivation and Personality - Which Type Are You?

The level of motivation that a person has depends a lot on the personality of that person. If a person has the personality of a quiet, shy type of person, their motivation will come from living within that personality.

They are more likely to get motivated in different ways to that of a person who has a loud and bold personality. If a person has a go-getter personality then their motivation will be strong and vivacious, with a nothing can stop them type attitude.

Personality has a big impact on how we are motivated in our lives. Motivation and personality are definitely connected.

There are three basic personalities that seem to be motivation for what we do and who we want to become.

1. The need for power

This personality has a strong desire or drive to make people act or behave in a way that they would not otherwise behave.

This type of motivation is usually found in a strong-willed person. They like to be in charge of situations. The motivation is more for power and prestige than doing a great job.

2. Need for achievement

This type of personality has a strong drive to excel. This person usually strives to succeed at everything they try.

They avoid really hard tasks as well as really easy tasks. They like 50/50 odds and are not gamblers. The motivation is to achieve it on their own with their own skills.

3. Need for affiliation

This type of personality has the need for strong interpersonal relationships with others. This person is usually a soft-spoken quiet individual.

This person strives for friendships. The motivation for this personality is being cooperative rather than being competitive. They seek mutual understanding.

There are also combinations of one or more of these types of personalities, as well. They determine what motivates a person to do the things that they want and need to do.

Whichever personality a person possesses, they need to start with goal setting to achieve motivation. The first step is setting goals that are realistic to your specific needs and wants.

Try not to set these goals too high, nor too low. Either one of these will cause undesirable results. The goals must be possible to attain or they are useless to us.

This step is essential to motivation. You can't be motivated if you do not have goals. Rewarding yourself for your hard work and effort is another essential part of learning motivation. There must be rewards for a job well done. It is what keeps us going.

Motivation and personality do go hand in hand. As you can see, different people and personalities are motivated by different drives. Successes are measured by different motivations and rewards.
About the Author:Peter Murphy is a peak performance expert. He recently produced a very popular free report that reveals how to crush procrastination and sustain lasting motivation. Apply now because it is available for a limited time only at: motivation techniques

Sunday, March 25, 2007

What You Should Know About Link Building (How To Increase Traffics To Your Site/Blog)

Few can speak about link building and link baiting with the experience and authority that Eric Ward brings to the table. He’s been doing this sort of thing since 1994, before the vast majority had even heard of a hyperlink.

In this WebProNews: The Insider video, Managing Editor Mike McDonald connects with Ward via webcam to discuss the finer points of link building today, what constitutes good link bait, and creating a good balance of organic and paid links.

What is linkbait?

Linkbait can be anything – anything that inspires somebody at another website or blog to link back to it. The only boundary is creativity.

What makes something linkable? We can only speak with examples and general guidance, but:
Whatever it is, it should be clever and useful to the end-user, either by “interestingness” or by its ability to solve a problem.

Widgets, then, make sense as great linkbait. Good linkbait is pure, not coming off as “slimy” or “cheesy.”

“In the long run,” says Ward, “the end user votes with the mouse.” How do you develop a linking strategy?

Strategies should mesh with the intent and market of the website being promoted. Any link is not necessarily a good link. Quality links matter. The right audience matters.

Timing is important. If you want to promote something for next week, organic SEO isn’t going to work. You may need to buy some links or bid on some keywords.

Use organic SEO for promotions far in the future (if for the Christmas season, begin in September).

There is no optimal balance of paid and organic links. It depends on what the end goal is. Get the content in front of the audience you care about. Watch this video and you will understand more:

Friday, March 23, 2007

Getting What You Really Want
Everyone wants something in life, love, money, success, recognition ... Yet too many people fail to realize their desires, and nearly all of them for the same reason. They seem to go whichever way the wheel turns, as if they have no control over their situation. If their vehicle takes them to places they never intended to be, or crashes into the brickwall of utter despair, that's just the cruelty of fate.

Don't get me wrong, I realize that truly horrible things do happen to folks, and through no fault of their own. Gigantic obstacles are placed in our way sometimes, that seem absolutely insurmountable. Generally speaking, however, getting what you really want out of life is a matter of three (possibly four) simple steps.

Firstly - and this may seem like a no-brainer - you have to decide what it is you want the most. Decide what to aim for, with some specificity. Don't make a laundry list of wishes, but focus on one thing at a time. If you're not sure about where you want to go, there's no point in getting into the vehicle in the first place.

Secondly, create an action plan. This will be your map for getting from point A, where you are now, to point B, where you want to go. You know what you want, what steps are you going to take to get it?

Some things are obvious. If you want a better job, start with skills assessment and maybe some additional training. Then you'll need to sell yourself and your skills either to your present employer for a promotion into the new position you want, or to a new employer.

Other goals will require a bit more thought. Some will really leave you stuck without a clue of how to get there. Not to worry, though, no matter where it is you want to go, someone, somewhere has probably already been there. So what did they do to get there, what road did they take? Books, biographies and such, can be a real help with this. So hit the library if you're in need of guidelines.

Get ideas, get advice, create a good map for yourself, and know where you're going. Write it down, and make sure you can read it every day.

The third and final step is execution. Do what you planned. Take the steps you outlined on your road map and be persistent. If you run into naysayers, simply ignore them. Everyone who ever did anything great always ran into naysayers.

Never take your eyes off the goal. Keep pushing. Whatever you do, do not give up until you have what you desire in your hands. Never, ever give into the notion that you 'can't get there from here.'
Decide - Plan - Execute. It is really that simple.

About that fourth step. Sometimes your action plans may not get you to where you want to be. Maybe something is missing, maybe some step is not quite right. If you find this is the case, after exercising your full patience and persistence, you simply must rework your plan.

Look at it, figure out what's missing, and get back at it. It's just like following a map through a place you've never been before. If you find taking a particular road takes you to the wrong town, rather than turning around and going home, giving up, you take a second look at your map, figure out where you made the wrong turn, and get back on the road.

Whatever you do -- Keep your hands on the wheel!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Emotions as information

Your emotions are an instant information system, always letting you know when you are telling yourself lies and when you are in truth. Learn about what your emotions are telling you.
When you were a small child, your painful emotions may have felt too overwhelming to feel. If you experienced physical, emotional, or sexual abuse, your little body was not big enough to manage the painful feelings. If you were neglected, unseen, misunderstood, invaded, smothered, shamed or ridiculed, it may have felt too painful to manage. If you were a highly sensitive child with parents who did not understand high sensitivity, you may have felt too much emotion to handle. You might have had to learn ways of not feeling so much emotion.
What did you learn to do as a child and adolescent to manage your feelings?

.Did you learn to numb out, taking your focus out of your body and into your head, thinking rather than feeling?
.Did you learn to use food, alcohol or drugs to numb out?
.Did you learn to numb out in front of the TV or computer?
.Did you learn to leave your body or to dissociate in other ways?
.Did you learn to live in fantasy or daydreams to not be present in your body?
.Did you learn to be a perfectionist, an overachiever, always being busy – doing rather than feeling?
.Did you learn to get angry rather than feel the pain of the loneliness, heartache and helplessness?
.Did you learn to focus on what was going on with others rather than on your own feelings? Did you learn to absorb others' feelings and be there to help them as a way to avoid your own pain?
.Did you learn positive addictions, such as reading or sports, to avoid your feelings?
Those of us who did not receive the love we needed had to find various ways of managing the pain. This was a necessary part of our survival.
However, as adults, avoiding feelings has many negative consequences. Your feelings are your inner guidance system. Your feelings instantly give you much vital information.

.Your painful feelings, such as fear, anxiety, emptiness, aloneness, depression, hurt, anger, jealousy, guilt and shame, are letting you know that you are thinking thoughts that are not true – that are out of alignment with what is in your highest good, or that you are behaving in ways that are harmful to you.
.Your loneliness around another person may be letting you know that the person's heart is closed.
.Your confusion around what another person is saying or doing may be letting you know that the person is lying.
.Your discomfort around another person may be letting you know that the other person is not safe to be around.
.Your inner peace, joy and fulfillment are letting you know that your thoughts and behavior are supporting your highest good.

As adults, many of our emotions come from our thoughts. If you think a thought such as "I am not good enough, " you will feel anxious or depressed. These painful feelings are your inner guidance system telling you that the thought is a lie. If you then do something to avoid feeling the anxiety or depression, you are not getting the very important information that your feelings are giving you, and you are abandoning yourself. This self- abandonment – avoiding your feelings and the information that your painful feelings are giving you – leads to addictive behavior.
As a child, others may have been causing your painful feelings. As an adult, you are generally the cause of your pain – by judging yourself, neglecting your feelings, and making others responsible for your pain and joy. As an adult, it is your own self-abandonment that is often the cause of your pain.
As an adult, you CAN learn to manage your painful feelings by opening to learning about the information that your feelings are giving you, and by learning to access your inner higher wisdom to bring in the truth and love to yourself. You will know that you are thinking and behaving in ways that support your highest good when you feel inner peace and joy.
The information your emotions are always giving you is vital for your health and wellbeing. Why not start today to attend to your emotions rather than avoid them?
Margaret Paul, Ph.D. is the best-selling author and co-author of eight books, including "Do I Have To Give Up Me To Be Loved By You?" and “Healing Your Aloneness.” She is the co-creator of the powerful Inner Bonding® healing process. Learn Inner Bonding now! Visit her web site for a FREE Inner Bonding course: or email her at

Thursday, March 15, 2007

It has been reported that Google has a wireless phone in development. About a hundred people are working to develop the Blackberry-like device, which will be able to make Internet voice calls and support Google applications. You can hear this video news for more details.

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

What if you told you there is a way to do shopping on the internet. Being a founding member of a company, say like Microsoft, or Amazon, or Google would mean that you would be sitting on easy street right now. What if i told you there is a company that will be starting up on April 15th that is taking the "Club" concept of shopping to the Internet. Would you be interested?The Global WealthBuilders Offshore Privacy Club is that company, and you can join the club as a founding member at There are people signing up from all over the world and you can be one of them. The compensation plan has been posted on the website, and it will blow you away with its simplicity!They are only taking 200,000 people into the first tier of this "Club". You can then help build the club and reap the profits from the top. There will be millions of people who will want to join the club after it goes public, just to buy the "wholesale priced" products that will be for sale, but they will not be able to make the same kind of money that the first tier of members will make.Sign up today and be on the inside track to making the kind of money you deserve.

Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Public Speaking: Your Way To Success

Question. Do you dare to speak in public? What is the 1st thing come to your mind when you speak in front of people This what the author of this article explain and how to overcome it:

The fear of public speaking is one of the worst phobias to suffer at the hands of – if not the worst! Sufferers can be almost paralyzed with the fear in some cases. In my clinic and via my products, I help hundreds of people over each and every year to control their fear and actually begin to enjoy the art of public speaking.

You can read more here in details

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