Thursday, January 29, 2009

Wealth Creation Power of Gratitude

Do you have an attitude of gratitude?

There’s been a lot of focus both in the media, at the water cooler and at the family dinner table about the terrible financial loss people have been dealing with. Jobs have been declining at an incredible rate. The bureau of labor statistics reported In December, the number of unemployed persons increased by 632,000 to 11.1 million and the unemployment rate rose to 7.2 percent.

Some people have lost more than 50% of their IRA and 401K savings and no one, even if you have a terrific credit score, we’re talking more than 720, are having a difficult time accessing credit.

All this is understandably disturbing. It has stricken fear into the hearts of Americans and citizens worldwide. Suddenly everything we’ve taken for granted is gone. This loss of security has affected even those who have yet to really suffer any financial loss. We’re all left with a lot of questions and an abundance of uncertainty.

With all of this unfortunate news there is one thing you can do to regain your security, to regain your control, and to get started on a path to even greater wealth and abundance.


“Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life. It turns what we have into enough, and more. It turns denial into acceptance, chaos into order, confusion into clarity…. It turns problems into gifts, failures into success, the unexpected into perfect timing, and mistakes into important events. Gratitude makes sense of our past, brings peace for today and creates a vision for tomorrow.”
-Melodie Beattie

The first steps of Gratitude and Wealth Creation

Gratitude is an emotion. It’s recognizing and feeling appreciative of what you have. Now this can be difficult if you’re losing money at a record rate, if you’re in debt, and if you’re at risk or have lost your job. No matter where you are financially, even if you’re at the very bottom, there is always something to be grateful for. Are you breathing? Do you have someone who loves you? Do you have food on your table? Do you have job? Do you have skills, abilities, and knowledge unique to you? Do you have your health? There is always something to be grateful for and the first step to wealth creation is to recognize what you do have and to be grateful for it.

When you look at what you do have rather than what you do not have it changes your perspective. It gives you power, hope, and strength to look at your present and your future differently.

Focusing on what you don’t have or what you have lost doesn’t change or solve anything. You still don’t have it. However focusing on what you do have changes everything. It gives you the ability to make plans for the future. To grow what you presently have, even if it is only your breath.

Feeling Gratitude is Profitable

Napoleon Hill, author of the esteemed and widely read “Think and Grow Rich,” speaks of gratitude as a way to overcome your fears. Overcoming your fears is imperative to attain great wealth.

It’s easy to know you’re supposed to be grateful, to say thank you for what you have however feeling gratitude is another thing altogether. Spiritual and financial experts often recommend keeping a gratitude journal. Write down what you’re grateful for. Make a routine out of it and document your gratitude every day, perhaps at the end of the day as you’re getting ready for bed or first thing in the morning.

While this type of gratitude experience is a great start, it is not enough.

Journaling can easily become another task. “I have to write down 5 things I’m grateful for before I go to bed,” doesn’t inspire actually feeling grateful.

In order to achieve the kind of effects, the power of gratitude, you must feel grateful down to your core. Every cell in your body needs to sing “THANK YOU.” This requires quiet contemplation.

Think about what you’re grateful for and why. If you’re grateful for the food on your plate, why are you grateful for it? Who are you grateful to? What does having food on your plate right now mean to you?

When you’re grateful down to your core this type of gratitude becomes a way of life. It affects everything you do, every decision you make, and how you interact. If you believe the law of attraction then you know that you attract more of what you focus on and when your heart is singing thank you, you’ll attract more of what you want into your life.

Expressing Gratitude Is Profitable

It’s important to note that as you’re building a business, gratitude plays a critical role in how your customers and prospects relate to you. This goes beyond saying a quiet thank you for your customers and actually thanking them.

The Psychology of Consumer Behavior by, Carey, Clicque, Leighton, & Milton, 1976, showed that when customers of a jewelry store were called and thanked they showed a 70% increase in purchases. This was compared to customers who were not called at all and customers who were thanked and then notified about a promotion. Simple gratitude goes a long way toward boosting business profits and increasing wealth.

The same concept is embraced by restaurant servers who write a simple “Thank you” on the bill – they receive larger tips. Think about that big tip jar on the counter at your local coffee shop. Are you more likely to put a dollar in there if it says “Thank you” or if it says “God is watching you,” or even if it says nothing at all? A big “Thank you” goes a long way.

So how can you thank your current customers?
Send them a letter.
Send them a personal email
Give them a call
Give them something for free
Recognize them on your website, blog, or newsletter

We’re all in this world together. Understanding that, appreciating, that and expressing gratitude not only for your customers but for everything you have in life is the first step toward receiving all that you desire. It’s more than having a glass half full attitude, though that is a super start; it’s about sharing that attitude with everyone around you.

We’re drawn to people who are positive, who are grateful, and who appreciate us and what they have. Instead of focusing on what you don’t have or what you’ve lost, use the power of gratitude to build on what you do have. You’ll be grateful for the results.

Excerpt From: Jeremy Gislason
SureFireWealth INC

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