3 Easy Tips on How to Ask a Girl Out.
Do you find yourself struggling with how to ask a girl out?
She's attractive, interesting and has a great personality. But every time you're around her, you can't seem to figure out how to ask her out on a date? Well if this sounds like you, then you're not alone. In fact, lots of other guys have problems with getting a date.
What's funny is it's actually pretty easy to ask a girl out on a date. If you know the RIGHT sequence of events and how to set things up, it'll be easy to land a date without making her feel pressured or uncomfortable.
If you follow my 3 step plan, you'll easily increase your chances of a woman accepting your date request. Let's get started...
Your first is to make sure you build attraction around this girl. When you first meet her (or if you already know her), the conversation must get to the point where she is interested in what you have to say. So this means you should display ALL the traits that she'll find attractive.
For instance, you should do the following:
* Display an alpha male personality
* Demonstrate higher status
* Be cocky/funny
* Tell interesting stories
* Ask provocative questions
Now during the process of attraction building you need to show one additional thing: You have an interesting life. When you're talking to this girl, you should mention how you like to do fun things.
Specifically you should mention an event you're doing within the next week. The key to this step is to discuss how much fun you're going to have and why you're really excited about it. Then steer the conversation towards something else that she finds interesting.
Finally you'll come to the conclusion of the conversation. This is the moment where you'll ask her out. Instead of just getting her number, you should act like you had a sudden thought. Mention that she might be interested in the event you were recently discussing. Then tell her "it would be cool if you tag along". Get her number and let her know that you'll call with more details.
This technique for asking a girl out is a great way to set up a date without having to resort to specifically giving a date request. You build attraction and excitement about a specific event. Then you ask the girl out without making her feel uncomfortable with an uncomfortable dating environment.
Asking a girl out can be hard for a lot of guys. The trick is to know how to build excitement about date and eliminate her nervousness. If you make her interested about the date, you'll discover that it's easy to make her want to go out with you.
About the Author: Scott Patterson can help YOU meet, attract and seduce ANY woman! In his free resource, Attraction Mastery , Scott provides over 50 TIPS you can use to get instant results with girls. To claim your free copy of this incredible resource, visit his site right now: http://www.ChickMagnet101.com
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